石川県版 Vol.38

※赤色の下敷きを上にのせると訳が消えます。せかいのていきん[About me]My name is Kenneth B. Emme Jr, but my friends call me Ken. I am from Minnesota which is located in the Midwestern United States. I love science, mathematics, and programming, so in college I studied biomedical engineering which uses all three. For fun I like to play my two favorite sports: soccer and tennis, and I also love studying and speaking Japanese with my wife. And if I had to choose a favorite food, I would choose mildly spicy beef curry. (取材協力 石川県立能登高等学校)(アメリカ合衆国)Graduation photo taken at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities campus.The pond located near my home in Minnesota.ケニス エミー ジュニア□ located in 位置する   □ science 科学  □ mathematics 数学  □ biomedical engineering 医用生体工学□ fraternal twin 二卵性の双子 □ half sister 異母姉妹 □ bored 飽き飽きする □ play make-believe ごっこ遊び □ Barbie dolls バービー人形  □ At one point 一時は  □ thankfully 幸いなことに  □ there for 頼りになる□ admire 尊敬する  □ take after 似る  □ it comes as no surprise 驚くにはあたらない  □ mechanic 機械工□ fix 修理する □ chores 作業 □ cure 癒す、救済する □ boredom 退屈 □ worth 価値がある庭訓=庭(にわ)での訓(おし)えという「論語」に   由来することばで家庭教育を意味します。28United States of America“If a job is worth doing, it’s a job worth doing well.”「やりがいのある仕事なら、最善をつくしてやれ」  I grew up as the youngest child and only boy in my family. I have a fraternal twin sister, an older sister, and a half sister. And because my half-sister no longer lived with my family, I experienced everyday life with my two sisters. When I was bored, I often had to play make-believe with my sisters using their Barbie dolls. At one point, my sisters even made me wear a dress! But thankfully, my father was there for me. I think most children will admire and take after their parents, so it comes as no surprise that I wanted to be like my father. My father was very active as a mechanic, and loved to collect and fix things. In my eyes, there was nothing he couldn’t do. As I grew older, my father took me to help him do chores, fix things, and cure boredom. It was during these times that he told me to remember “if a job is worth doing, it’s a job worth doing well.” In other words, if you do something, always try your best.Kenneth Emme Jr. さん(29 years old)

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