※赤色の下敷きを上にのせると訳が消えます。せかいのていきん[About me]I grew up in Bangalore, a cosmopolitan city that is India’s IT capital, and learned to speak five languages. Before becoming Toyama Prefecture’s Coordinator for International Relations with India, I majored in physics at Nagoya University. You can often find me with my nose buried in a book. (取材協力 富山県 生活環境文化部 国際課)(インド)Little me looking at the book that sparked my love for reading. I still own that book!シリラリティヤ バーガワトゥラ庭訓=庭(にわ)での訓(おし)えという「論語」に 由来することばで家庭教育を意味します。日本語訳15India“Do your work, but do not be attached to the fruits of your work.”「勉強(仕事)はしなさい。ただし、成果にとらわれてはいけません」 This is a well-known saying from the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu scripture. Growing up in a Hindu family, I heard it countless times from my parents. But it is only now, as an independent adult, that I am able to appreciate the wisdom embedded in these words. In school, I was a perfectionist who loved studying and ranking first in exams. I would go home crying even if I lost a point or two. After every exam, I would anxiously ask my father: “Do you think I’ll get a good score?” When I was in middle school, he would reply, “You definitely will” and that would appease me. When I got to high school, however, he would say, “The results are not in your hands. All you can control is the amount of effort you put in. So focus on your work.” I saw what he meant, but it didn’t calm me down. The anxiety I felt regarding my results never really went away…until I grew up and entered the “real world.” In the real world, I learned from experience that things don’t always go according to plan. Even if you do your best, there are countless invisible factors that can affect the outcome of an activity. Be it a college entrance exam or a work project, a negative result is not a judgment on your worth or capabilities as a person. It just means that luck was not on your side. All you can do—all you have to do—is get back up and continue to do your best.□ grew up 育つ □ cosmopolitan city 国際都市 □ IT capital ITの中心地 □ Coordinator for International Relations 国際交流員□ majored in 専攻する □ physics 物理学 □ buried in うずめる □ be attached to 執着する □ fruits 成果 □ saying ことわざ、格言□ Bhagavad Gita バガヴァッド・ギーター □ ancient 古代の □ Hindu scripture ヒンドゥー教の聖典 □ only now 今になって□ independent 自立した □ appreciate 良さが分かる □ wisdom 訓え □ embed 織り込める □ perfectionist 完璧主義者 □ exams 試験□ anxiously 心配して □ middle school 中学校 □ definitely 間違いなく □ appease 安心させる □ results 結果 □ effort 努力□ focus on 集中する □ calm 落ち着かせる □ anxiety 不安 □ regarding 〜に関して □ real world 実社会 □ according to 〜に従って□ countless 数えきれない □ invisible 目に見えない □ factor 要因 □ affect 作用する □ outcome 結果 □ Be it 〜にせよ□ worth 価値 □ capabilities 能力 □ get back up 立ち直るSirilalitya Bhagavatula さん(27 years old)
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