※赤色の下敷きを上にのせると訳が消えます。 ※23Pに和訳が載っていますせかいのていきん[About me]I am a CIR from Texas working in Toyama. When you hear “Texas,” you may think “cowboys!” While there are still a few cowboys, Texas is actually a pretty diverse state with people from all around the world. Most weekends, you can find me at home reading, writing stories, or snacking on spicy food. (取材協力 黒部市役所)(アメリカ合衆国)4-year-old me at a pre-school parentsʼday trying to shave like my beloved dad.リンジー ヘンダーソン□ CIR 国際交流員 □ Actually 実際は □ diverse state 多様性のある州 □ snacking on お菓子をつまむ □ wisdom 知恵□ phrase 言葉、表現 □ resonate 響く □ particularly とりわけ □ meaning 意味 □ elementary school 小学校 □ fight けんか□ scared 怖がる □ rollercoaster ジェットコースター □ it meant 意味する □ cultural rules 文化的ルール □ experience 経験□ respect 敬意を払う □ Be curious 興味を持つ □ share themselves with you 心を分かち合う □ judgment 批判□ assumption 思い込み □ in a new light 新しい観点で庭訓=庭(にわ)での訓(おし)えという「論語」に 由来することばで家庭教育を意味します。14United States of America“Live life with an open heart and an open mind.”「広い心を持って生きなさい」 My parents gave me many words of wisdom when I was young, but this is the phrase that has resonated most with me throughout my life ■ particularly because it has many different meanings. When I came home from elementary school crying because my friend and I had gotten into a fight, it meant, “Try to see things from her side.” When I was scared to go on a rollercoaster for the first time, it meant, “Don’t be afraid to try something new.” When I was in high school and my new best friend was from a family with cultural rules I didn’t understand, it meant, “Remember that there are many people with experiences different from yours and respect them.” But to me, this phrase’s most important meaning is, “Be curious about the people and world around you.” When you have an open heart, people will share themselves with you. Listen to others’ stories and learn. If you carry a heart free of judgment and assumptions, you will get to see not only other people but the whole world in a new light. The world is bigger than what we can see alone.Lindsey Henderson さん(28 years old)
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