富山県版 Vol.17

  When it comes to the maintenance of a thriving mind and subsequently a healthy life, my friends and family have helped me to realise that I always, always have a choice.  When I was a high school student I was often consumed by negative thoughts, and on top of that I suffered in silence. Nowadays, I am slowly teaching myself that ‘it’s all in the mind’. I alone have complete control over how I view the world. If I’m unhappy then I try and acknowledge those negative feelings and make changes that will help my mind to heal.  It isn’t always easy, but if you’re feeling alone and depressed then you can choose to ask for help. If a situation is making you stressed then you can choose to leave. Even when dealing with obligatory circumstances, such as studying for a subject that you dislike, or walking into a room full of people that you don’t know, it’s still your time and your life. Try to see the situation in a different light. You have to do it, so you might as well try to have fun, right? Life is too short to suffer through things without enjoying them. Use that immensely powerful tool that you have, your own mind, to make your own life work for you.※赤色の下敷きを上にのせると訳が消えます。(イギリス)My sister and me in frontof Big Ben.マチルダ エイルワド□ exploring 探検する □ landscape 景色 □ intrigue 興味をそそる □ inspiring 刺激する □ value 重きを置く □ creativity 創造性□ impress 感動させる  □ enthusiasm 熱意  □ it comes to 〜に関していえば  □ maintenance 維持  □ thriving 成長、繁栄□ subsequently その結果    □ consume 消耗、荒廃する   □ on top of that なおかつ   □ suffer in silence 黙って苦しむ □ teach myself 自分に言い聞かせる □ complete 帰結する □ control over 管理する □ view 見る、捉える □ try and acknowledge 認めようとする□ make changes 変化させる   □ heal 癒す   □ depress 落胆させる    □ ask for help 助けを求める   □ situation 状況□ make you stressed ストレスを与える □ dealing with 取り組む □ obligatory circumstance 義務的な状況 □ different light 異なる見方□ immensely ものすごい  □ work for 役に立つ庭訓=庭(にわ)での訓(おし)えという「論語」に   由来することばで家庭教育を意味します。せかいのていきん[About me]I am an ALT at Takaoka Kogei High School. I enjoy exploring new places and meeting different and interesting kinds of people.I love the beautiful landscape that surrounds Toyama bay. I also find Japanese art and culture both intriguing and inspiring. I’m lucky that I get to teach at a school that values creativity, and every day the students at Kogei impress me with their talent and enthusiasm.「要は心の持ちよう」United Kingdom18“It’s all in the mind.”Matilda Aylward さん(24 years old)

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